Plate tectonics volcanoes and earthquakes pdf file

The earths crust is divided into plates which are moved in various directions. Map of major tectonic plates and select great earthquakes. Try to place some named examples as accurately as you can. What do we call the region on earth where most volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Plate tectonics as expressed in geological landforms and events. Where are volcanoes more likely to occur and what is the explanation for these patterns. Ring of fire, long horseshoeshaped seismically active belt of earthquake epicenters, volcanoes, and tectonic plate boundaries that fringes the pacific basin. All earthquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonicsfiles. Thinking about the different types of plate boundaries, where do mountain ranges that do not include volcanoes occur and why. How does plate tectonics explain the cause of volcanoes, earthquakes and other largescale geologic interactions and land formations.

Pdf introduction to plate boundaries and natural hazards. Includes many maps for printing, and student worksheets. Plate tectonics summary the earth is made up of 3 main layers core, mantle, crust on the surface of the earth are tectonic plates that slowly move around the globe plates are made of crust and upper mantle lithosphere there are 2 types of plate there are 3 types of plate boundaries volcanoes and earthquakes are closely. Map of major tectonic plates and select great earthquakes and. These tectonic plates rest upon the convecting mantle, which causes them to move. Plate tectonics information and facts national geographic. What is the name given to a giant wave that is caused by an underwater eq. Sections of the map suitable for printing were created as pdf files when this map was first published in 2006. Yet violent earthquakes related to plate tectonics have caused terrible catastrophes such as the magnitude7. A map to show location of the event and description a fact file key facts about the event or volcano e. Which 2 plate boundaries are eqs most likely to occur at.

Gold plated hip hop pendants volcanoes and plate tectonics pdf. Plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes science learning hub. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The earths plates jostle about in fits and starts that are punctuated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The guide contains links to totle introduction to plate tectonics and earthquakes teaching resources and a table of contents of teaching resources on this topic.

When the frictional strain is overcome, the ground suddenly snaps along faults and fractures releasing energy as earthquakes. Plate boundaries symbols white arrows show plate motion direction volcanoes generalized hot spot arrow shows direction of plate motion great earthquakes since 1900. Volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, and other features of earths surface owe their origin to the movements. Symbols white arrows show plate motion direction volcanoes generalized hot spot arrow direction of plate motion great earthquakes since 1900. Mapping world plates helps students connect topography, earthquakes, volcanoes, and plates.

Photos, videos, and podcasts selected lists of earthquake damage, faults, and effects photos, videos, and podcasts. Hot spot arrow direction of plate motion great earthquakes since 1900. Using the tectonic outline map, create a cover page with drawing of volcanoes and hazards. The theory of plate tectonicsthe main subject of this chapterprovides a unified explanation for the pat terns of earthquakes, volcanoes. For example, in areas where there are mountains and volcanoes, plates are colliding. Each type of interaction causes a characteristic set of earth structures or tectonic features. Here are a few nice usgs maps that might be useful.

Introduction to plate tectonics and earthquakes documents. Plate tectonics volcanoes and earthquakes science pdf. Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates. The idea of plate tectonics is largely based upon wegners theory of continental drift in 1912. Pearson education volcanoes and plates answers pdf format.

Plate tectonic, volcanoes and earthquakes soest hawaii. What causes earthquakes and at what types of plate boundaries are earthquakes common. Propelled by intense heat simmering beneath the crust or the propelled by intense heat simmering beneath the crust or the mantle, earths surface is dramatically reshaping itself in an endless, slow motion movement called plate tectonics. Most of the worlds earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of the worlds volcanoes occur within the ring of fire. For each one, identify its type, how it was formed, and its location in terms of plate boundaries. Powerpoint click to download the ms powerpoint file 146 mbytes pdf click to view or download the presentation in pdf 5 mbytes ht ml cl ick to view the presentation in html format. Plate tectonics pdf ebook plate tectonics read online and download ebook plate tectonics. Youll recall that the soufriere hills volcano formed where plates converge. The word processor will read microsoft word files and the presentation package, called impress, will read microsoft powerpoint files. Partner content american museum of natural history earthquakes and volcanoes plate tectonics. Many major geological processes like volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain formation, and the arrangement of tectonic plates figure 1 are all results of plate tectonics. Inclined zones of deep earthquakes wadatibenioff zones, deep ocean trenches, and arcs of volcanoes clearly indicate subduction of oceanic lithosphere along the central american and atlantic ocean margins of the caribbean plate, while shallow seismicity and focal mechanisms of major shocks in guatemala, northern venezuela, and the cayman. Divergent plate boundaries tectonic plates move apart at divergent plate boundaries. The states of alaska and california lie in the pacific earthquake belt.

Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes module overview. Download file watch the above youtube about our earth and try to give me 5 pieces of information about the structure of our planet and the processes that go on inside it. A pdf guide to plate tectonics and earthquakes is also available. The theory explains the how and why behind mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes, as well as how, long ago, similar animals could have lived at the same time on what are now widely separated continents. Earthquakes, volcanos, and plate tectonics jeopardy template. The structure of the earth, plate tectonics and landforms. Many active volcanoes and young mountain ranges are located within these earthquake belts. Indeed, most of the worlds earthquakes and volcanoes are the result of the movement of these plates plate tectonics. Teach your students about plate tectonics using these classroom resources. The role of plate tectonics, the movement of the earths crust, in this formation will be explained.

This guide is an outline of the plate tectonic and earthquake seismology powerpoint presentations. How tectonic plates are interacting can be determined by land features. I expect it to be quite difficult, as one of the purposes of this test is to make distinctions between those who have studied and those who havent. Most of the worlds earthquakes and volcanoes are found at or near the boundary between two tectonic plates. Key plate tectonics terminology earthquakes and volcanoes. This dynamic planet world map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountain belts on earth. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are aweinspiring displays of the powerful forces of nature and can be extraordinarily destructive. The movements of these plates can account for noticeable geologic events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and more subtle yet sublime events, like the building of mountains. Bill nye volcanic activity and plate motions volcanoes and earthquakes. World map mercator here are a few nice usgs maps that might be useful.

Inside the volcano earths volcanoes occur because its crust is broken into 17 major, rigid tectonic plates that float on a hotter, softer layer in its. Andersen describes how plate tectonics shapes our planet. Download plate tectonics volcanoes and earthquakes pdf ebookplate tectonics volcanoes and earthquakes plate tectonics. Plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes quizlet. Earthquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonics shareathon 58 files a shareathon is a place where teachers can voluntarily upload their files for other teachers to use. The earths plates here are a few nice usgs maps that might be useful. When alfred wegener first proposed the idea of continental drift the precursor idea to plate tectonic theory, it didnt quite explain. Virtual lab how does magmas com position affect a volcanos eruption. Hand out the volcano transparencies and have students place them in their clipboards.

In this course, you will examine how the evidence for the movement of continents was gathered and how this movement relates to, and generates, geological features and phenomena such as ocean basins, mountain ranges, volcanoes and earthquakes. In areas where there are rift zones or ocean ridges, plates are diverging and in places where there are not a lot of mountains but there are a lot of earthquakes, the plates are sliding. Plate tectonics from the late latin tectonicus, from the greek. The focus is mainly on the subduction zone coast to cascade mountains because that is where most of the earthquakes and volcanoes occur, and where tsunamis can be generated. All of the computers in the 7th grade hag science classroom are now running software.

Types of volcanoes compositestratovolcano, shield, cinder cone. Pupils will gain an understanding of the structure of the earth and come to know that mountains can be formed in different ways, depending on how the earths crust moves. We also know that volcanoes occur at plate boundaries because two plates are colliding and generally one plate is being subducted under another. Earthquakes are the result of plate tectonics, or shifting plates in the crust of earth, and quakes occur when the frictional stress of gliding plate boundaries builds and causes failure at a. Evolution of the earth how do we know anything about the earth interior structure volcanoes and hotspots earthquakes tectonic plates tectonic motion reconstruction of the earths history interior interior volcanoes volcanoes are the result of hot spots within the crust or mantle of the earth. This plate motion causes them to collide, pull apart, or scrape against each other. These fourth grade next generation science standards include 8 different science stations where students dee. Earthquake summary posters for significant earthquakes. The earthquakes and volcanoes that mark plate boundaries are clearly shown on this map, as are craters made by impacts of extraterrestrial objects that punctuate earths history, some causing catastrophic ecological changes. Plate tectonics is caused by heat flow within the earths interior as well as density differences between the earths crust and mantle. Regents questions here are regents questions for plate tectonics. Remind students that most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries. I copied the maps onto transparencies and created a lab where students ultimately overlaid the transparencies to compare and contrast the locations of earthquakes, volcanoes, and plate boundaries. Plate tectonics is the overlying theory presently used by most earth scientists to describe motion within the outermost layer of the solid earth also know as the.

Plate movement often explains why volcanoes form in certain areas. What type of plate boundary causes volcanoes and earthquakes in japan. However, this is a cover page and i want you to be creative and imaginative. Please come see me to get the gluable card pieces for the assignment. The tectonic plates on the earths surface move in different directions, and the boundaries between them are very dynamic regions. Download charlotte luongo ebook file free of charge and this book pdf found at saturday 29th of december 2012 03. Plate tectonics is an expression of the convective regime in the underlying mantle, but the link between individual convection cells and plate boundaries is not direct because plate boundaries are not fixed and, like the plates, move relative to one another. The theory of plate tectonics proposes that the lithosphere is divided into eight major plates north american, south american, pacific, nazca, eurasian, african, antarctic, and indianaustralian and several smaller plates e. These features largely reflect the movements of earths major tectonic plates and many smaller plates or fragments of plates including microplates.

Activityworld map of plate boundaries wheres waldostyle geography. Friction between the plates keeps them from sliding. A mudflow of unconsolidated volcanic ash, dust, breccia, and boulders mixed with rain or the water of a lake displaced by a lava flow. Pearson education volcanoes and plates answers pdf free. The most destructive of these hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, are mostly associated with tectonic plate boundaries. Another major earthquake belt runs through the mediterranean sea, across southern asia to indonesia alpide belt. Earthquakes, volcanos, and plate tectonics no teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams custom press f11 select menu option view enter fullscreen for fullscreen mode.

Read and learn for free about the following article. Ms word and pdf versions of this document are located at. Plate tectonics volcanoes and earthquakes pdf free download. Plate tectonics is the theory that earths outer layer is made up of plates, which have moved throughout earths history. The himalayas, the swiss alps, and the andes are some spectacular examples. He proposed that the worlds continents were moving, as the shapes of the continents appeared to fit together like a jigsaw suggesting they had moved apart over time. Third edition published 2006 by tom simkin, 1 robert i. The plate tectonics gizmo shows a crosssection, or side view, of earth. Plate tectonics and seafloor spreading 15 points in chapter 2, you learned about plate tectonics, the wellproven concept that the earths surface is split up into several dozen moving plates of rock. Sep 11, 2012 this pdf provides a brief 12 page introduction to regional plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes of the pacific northwest. These concentrated zones of earthquake and eruption activity are defining our plate boundaries.

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